Robert Keil

Robert Keil (b. 1987 in Penzberg) graduated in 2018 as a master student of Prof. Olaf Nicolai at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich and subsequently completed an MFA in Sculpture at Bard College New York. He works with a conceptual approach as well as sculpturally with classi- cal materials, with self-programmed software, magnetic force or four-leaf clovers. His works and performances have been shown at the Kammerspielen Munich; Loggia, Munich; Bard College, New York; Hayward Gallery, London; KUB Arena, Bregenz; New Bretagne Belle Air, Essen; Eigen+Art lab, Berlin.

Oder Anders, 2021
For the project ‘Oder Anders’ the welcome desk of the Lothringer 13 Halle becomes the temporary loca- tion of an United Parcel Service (UPS) parcel shop. The distribution network of the parcel shops, which usually dock (parasitically) onto existing infrastructures such as retail shops is part of the analogue side of the suppo- sedly disembodied online shopping. Both, the exhibition space and the UPS Access Point System are unders- tood as found structures, as artistic material (similar to a found object), and are also processed as such. ‘Oder Anders’ makes use of the inherent intensities and diverse forms of media expression and claims these systems as an artistic field of action. Possibilities of encounter arise between viewers, artworks, clients, packages, public, and private spheres, contents, and themes.