Introductions to Reader No. 4 in/possible images by Luzi Gross (DE) and Rosa Menkman (EN). With the exhibition documentation, an index and apendix to the Reader, and the reading list.
"I initiated my - still in progress - research on im/possible images with a single question: Imagine you could obtain an 'impossible' image of any object or phenomenon that you think is important, with no limits on spatial, temporal, energy, signal/noise or cost resolutions. What image would you create? (the answer can be a hypothetical image of course!)
This Reader represents a moment in this journey to reflect on the progress and constitutes a collection of texts that range from short stories, to image work, manuals, (technical) documentation and essays that I consider to constitute valuable responses to this question. Some of these materials were specifically written for this reader, whereas others have been generously allowed to be reprinted." (From Rosa Menkmans Introduction)
"Wenn wir heute eine Aufnahme mit unserer Handykamera machen, ist das eigentlich kein fotografischer Vorgang mehr, sondern ein rechnerischer. Im Gegensatz zu Bildern, die 'aufgenommen' werden, werden Handyaufnahmen durch Kamerasensoren und Algorithmen 'geschrieben'. [...] Wie können wir angesichts dieser Erkenntnis über die Produktion und Wahrnehmung (digitaler) Bilder nachdenken? Wie erhalten wir einen Einblick in die Prozesse, die zu den Bildern führen, mit denen wir glauben, Wirklichkeit abzubilden oder uns vorstellbar zu machen?" (Aus der Einleitung von Luzi Gross)
Part of: Reader Nr 4 im/possible images
The contributions gathered in this Reader continue questions and themes of the exhibition project im/possible images in essays, reflections, collections of material and manuals. In the idea of accompanying publishing, texts and visual material are made accessible in the series of L13 readers that are connected to the themes and questions of various projects from the program of Lothringer 13 Halle and open up further spaces for thought. The contributions will be made available both online and in print on site at the Lothringer 13 Halle and can be individually compiled by visitors.