Chapter 3: Taktungen






27.06.24, 7 pm, Opening


Now closed


Chapter 3: Taktungen
by Verena Hägler & Nicola Reiter

Taktungen shows the initial results of two research projects in the context of agricultural and industrial labour. The rhythmisation of life and everyday life plays an essential role in these working environments, as does the landscape as an environment, but also as an elementary condition for work. In some cases, it is a lifelong connection in the temporal mode of full-time employment with a family business/employer that has a formative effect here. A strong identification with the individual work / with the workplace / with the product is also significant - a full-time or even a lifetime, rather than a part-time commitment. However, the structures are changing rapidly.
In Afdǝrmähdag Nicola Reiter deals with the agricultural structures of her surroundings in the Allgäu, which are also the environment of her origins.
Verena Hägler works with recently rediscovered analogue photographic material for her project MAXHUETTE revisited. The pictures were taken in 2006 during research on the Maxhütte site and in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, a northern Bavarian town characterised by mining and the steel industry, which has since undergone profound changes.

Verena Hägler (*1976 in Munich) is a photographer who lives and works in Munich. Her photographic practice is situated between documentary, conceptual and subjective photography. She has long been involved in empirical urban research.
Nicola Reiter (*1975 in Kempten/Allgäu) lives and works as a graphic designer and book designer. She also develops her own artistic projects, which she publishes and exhibits in book form.


Reference project/s
otc (Rahel grote Lambers, Alexander Klaubert, Francis Kussatz, Julia Lübbecke), ARBEITSLABOR (Susanne Beck, Karen Modrei, Julia Richter), Verena Hägler & Nicola Reiter, Klasse für Quereinstieg/Artists Pedagogy der AdBK München (Sofia Gold, Nikolai Gümbel, Judith Hagen, Sophie Kindermann, Luisa Koch…
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In a long-term research and exchange process, the artists' collective otc - Observant Thick Conversation, explores solidarity-based forms of sustainable collaboration. 
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The ARBEITSLABOR is an open programme at Lothringer 13 Lokal conceived by art mediator Julia Richter together with artists Susanne Beck and Karen Modrei.
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with Sofia Gold, Nikolai Gümbel, Judith Hagen, Luisa Koch, Angelika Lepper, Jonas Rall, Mirja Reuter, Ivo Rick, Ursula Rogg, Adrian Sölch, Vasilii Vikhliaev, Matt Wiegele
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