The outreach program for school classes and groups at Lothringer 13 addresses youths and young adults from all educational levels and school types (starting with grade 8) as well as independent groups from all areas of practice and education. The approach and aim of these interactive, one-hour long workshops is not only to get young people interested in artistic positions, but also to sensitize them to current social and political topics.
With the help of concrete tasks, the participants can approach works of their choosing in small groups. Subsequently, these perspectives are presented to the larger group and can be discussed. This process aims to produce relations, to discuss different positions and include the participant’s own experiences in the conversation.
The Lothringer 13 outreach program for schools specifically aims to create a hierarchy-free space in which any reservation towards contemporary art can be defused. Instead, art can be experienced as something that is readily approachable, inspiring and which can find a place in one’s own life.
If you are interested, please contact